About us

Who we are

Annapurna – Anna means food and Purna means complete to full. She is also revered as the Goddess of KASHI who always protects the city. With the blessings of MAA, no one sleeps empty stomach in Kashi. Maa Annapurna is the giver of food and nourishment.
Maa Annapurna Annakshetra Trust is a registered community service-oriented NGO which is working towards reducing hunger among the underprivileged section of society. Trust runs a free food distribution round the year for the needy one so no one stays hungry. Maa Annapurna Annakshetra Trust is a group of enthusiastic individuals seeking to serve the old community in numerous ways in order to provide them “Carefree LIFE ...” and a life full of Companionship”.

Our Vision & Objective

Our Vision
Our vision is to create and establish a Trust to feed the needy people and provide shelter to the old ones by collecting corpus funds for building an old age home to execute proper care with regular food, medical facilities, and other facilities at large without any discrimination.

Built 1 acre of Maa Annapurna Annakshetra Trust offers comfort, care, Companionship & carefree life for senior citizens, of whose families have absolved themselves of the responsibilities of looking after aged parents or those who wants to live independently. Aim is to provide home away from home for about 200 senior citizens, where they can live in peace and dignity

Our Objective
Zero Wastage of Resources
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Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

0 +
Members Worldwide
0 +
Children Helped
0 M+
Funds Raised
0 T
Food Provided